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    Angles of View Volume VII (2001)
    A series of articles examining the new and developing technologies that are constituting visual displays.
    Angles of View Volume VI (2000)
    A series of articles which discuss "Special Venues" - Applications for Display Technology
    Angles of View Volume V (1999)
    A collection of articles presenting various display "Issues for the Millennium."
    Angles of View Volume IV (1998)
    A series of articles examining the various issues related to the concept and nature of Information.
    Angles of View Volume III (1997)
    A collection of "closer looks" at the attributes and properties of visual displays.
    Angles of View Volume II (1996)
    A series of interviews with acknowledged experts on various core technologies related to visual displays.
    Angles of View Volume I (1995)
    A series of technical notes on the aspects of visual displays.


    For pricing information, please contact Media Fabricators, Inc.
    via e-mail at [email protected] or via telephone at 323 937 3344.


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