As long as we live in an imperfect world, we will always be faced with presentation problems, such as ambient light, limited room configurations and budget restrictions. All of these problems need a solution. As the educational leader in our industry, Da-Lite is always searching for ways to present solutions. That is why we developed "Selecting Front Projection Screens for Today's Presentation Media Applications."
Da-Lite offers a wide array of screens, each with a choice of projection surfaces. Selecting the right combination to meet your needs is important for optimum results. This manual will guide you through the selection process step-by-step to select the right screen fabric for any application and projection method. Da-Lite makes it easy by giving you all the information you need to fully understand the requirements of your individual application followed by an exclusive decision matrix that actually recommends the right fabric by answering a few easy questions.
The screen fabric recommendations contained in this manual are based on Da-Lite's years of experience as the leader in projection technology. These recommendations take into account all major projection methods and applications such as home theater. You can expect Da-Lite to add to these recommendations in the future as technology and more options become available.