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Selecting the Right Front Projection Screen Surface


Determine if the seating area will require audience members to view the projected image from a narrow versus a wider angle of more than 30 degrees from either side of the center of the screen.

- If the room configuration (is more horizontal than vertical), it forces audience members to view the projected image from an angle greater than 30 degrees and a screen fabric providing a greater viewing angle is required.


Determine if the projected image is one or more of the following:

a) Conventional video images - Generally speaking this is an image that does not contain very fine detail, so resolution is not as critical.

b) Continuous tone images - Found in all slide film projection methods. Provides the best image in terms of resolution and color reproduction.

c) Digital or pixelized data with fine detail, (i.e. textual information as found in LCD and CRT video projection devices including LCD panels) require higher resolution to project characters with clarity.

CRITERIA #5-Projector Placement

Determine if the projector will be placed perpendicular to screen center.

Whenever the projector and the audience are on opposite sides of the normal, use a screen that is reflective. (Figure 1). Whenever the projector and the audience are on the same side of the normal, use a screen that is retro-reflective. (Figure 2).


Determine if the screen surface will be subjected to one of the following

Potential soiling or damage from inadvertent or constant handling. Typical situations are in high traffic areas where people may accidentally touch the screen surface or in public or educational settings where the screen surface could be abused. Also, in settings where there's a problem with airborne debris and dust.


For pricing information, please contact Media Fabricators, Inc.
via e-mail at [email protected] or via telephone at 323 937 3344.


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