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Typical Presentation Media Applications for Front Projection Screens

Take a projector, put a screen in front of it, turn down the lights and you have a presentation. If only it was that simple. Unfortunately, there are many other considerations, both physical and environmental that affect the quality and viewabilty of a presentation. We call these Presentation Media applications.

Today's typical Presentation Media applications fall into the following four distinct categories - Each with its own unique requirements and problems. The optimum viewing solution demands the projection surface fully address these requirements and problems.

If your particular application is not described here exactly, consider the relevancy of problems and special situations identified in other applications as a guide to using the selection crtieria list. Choose the application that best describes your situation.


This growing application brings the realism of the "cinema" home. You'll find a wide spectrum involved in this application from video enthusiasts who build dedicated home theater rooms to movie fans that convert their living rooms or dens into mini-theaters.

Consider these characteristics and problems typically found in Home Theater applications:

Home Theater Characteristics

  • Typically this application uses some type of video projection but could include some film projection. Popular today are the less expensive, albeit lower power, LCD projectors combined with surround sound audio equipment utilizing Dolby Pro Logic™.
  • The application objective is to attain the highest degree of visual and audio realism. The desire is to make the audio-viewing experience as close as possible to the feeling experienced at a modern-day cinema.

Special Problems or Situations
Typically, you'll find most home theaters have one or more of the following problems.
  • Lighting conditions may not always be controllable. For example, windows, skylights and entry ways can allow stray or direct light into the room, negatively affecting image quality.
  • Screen surface could be easily soiled or damaged by children, pets, etc.
  • May require wide or narrow angle of view depending on room configuration.
  • Screen surface must remain taut to maintain resolution and eliminate disturbing shadows when projecting with video devices like LCD, DLP and CRT based video projectors.
  • Could possibly require a variety of projection aspect ratios i.e. HDTV, letterbox, standard broadcast television.


This classic application is a key communication method in today's hectic business world. Communicating effectively in mass enables companies to get employees up to speed quickly. Likewise, in the educational setting, educators are finding an emphasis on visual communication is not only favored by students but as importantly, is far more effective in sharing information and concepts.

Although business and educational settings are worlds apart, their Presentation Media characteristics and problems are common.

Classroom and Business Training Characteristics

  • Any setting where a medium size group of people are seated around an instructor using presentation media as the focal point for communicating ideas or information.
  • Generally, participants take notes and refer to additional reference materials requiring higher ambient lighting.
  • Interaction and eye contact between the instructor and the student is vital in teaching and maintaining audience interest.

Special Problems or Situations

  • Lighting conditions may not always be controllable to the extent desired. In both the educational and business training areas, rooms may be multi-purpose and have windows that allow stray light to penetrate.
  • Presentations requiring note taking or reference to materials dictate higher ambient room lights.
  • May require wide or narrow angle of view depending on room configuration.
  • A variety of projection methods i.e. video, overhead or slide may be used on the same screen.

For pricing information, please contact Media Fabricators, Inc.
via e-mail at [email protected] or via telephone at 323 937 3344.


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