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Typical Presentation Media Applications for Front Projection Screens (continued)


The cornerstone of business is the "meeting." Without meetings, vital information is slow to be communicated. The result is quick paralysis of an organization. The better the ability to communicate clearly, quickly and effectively, the better the results.

In this application, you'll find a wide array of room configurations. Established meeting rooms with built-in presentation capabilities are ideal but not as typical as standard rooms outfitted with portable projection devices with screens made to fit. Either way, the physical and environmental characteristics of both have similar objectives.

Business/Boardroom Style Meeting Characteristics

  • Any group meeting where the main emphasis is imparting information and not for the express purpose of interacting with the audience during the presentation.
  • Typically these presentations are made in rooms designed or earmarked for presenting. Lighting and ideal seating arrangements can be controlled.
  • Although this application generally involves smaller groups, the size of the audience can vary greatly, limited only by the physical size of the room.
  • A wide range of projection methods are typically used alone or in combination - from standard transparency or LCD panel video, overhead or slide projectors.

Special Problems or Situations

  • A variety of projection methods (i.e. video, overhead or slide) may be used on the same screen, requiring a screen surface that addresses the needs of all without severely compromising the image quality of any one method.
  • Depending on the projection method and room size, image brightness may suffer.
  • The audience is typically closer to the screen than optimally recommended, dramatically exaggerating the viewing angle for some audience members


Presentations to a large group of people can be an exciting and impressive Presentation Media application. Yet, it is in this application more than any other, that selecting the right screen is critical to satisfying all audience members with a quality image.

In this application, you'll find auditoriums with built-in permanent projection rooms, large multi-purpose rooms (like hotel banquet/function rooms) where flexibility requires portable projection methods and impromptu or infrequent presentations in large areas not specifically designed for presentations (typically found in businesses).

Auditorium/Large Group Meeting Characteristics

  • Typically large numbers of seated or in some cases, standing audience members where room size usually dictates a wide viewing angle.
  • Very limited interaction between presenter and the audience, if any.
  • The need for a large image size requires a projection method/source with substantial lumen output.

Special Problems or Situations

  • Depending on seating position, image quality may not be ideal due to wide angle and/or distance from screen.
  • Although film projection is generally used with high lumen output, video is also likely to be used with some compromise due to lower light output.


For pricing information, please contact Media Fabricators, Inc.
via e-mail at [email protected] or via telephone at 323 937 3344.


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