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Calculating Image Size

This way of calculating image size is similar to TPB 45, but it is easier to calculate various aspects or values of a screen image size.

This is called the "3-4-5" rule.

Illustration 1

To calculate image size, perform the following, but you need to have one of the screen image size values. (I.e., screen width = 12')

Illustration 2


  1. So now the value for screen width -- (4) = 12'.
  2. Perform the equation: 12' / (4) = 3
  3. This is now the fixed value. 3
  4. For screen height -- (3) put the previous equated value found 3 into this equation for screen height (3) x 3 = 9'

    This is now the value for the screen height = 9'.
  5. Now take the remaining value not found the diagonal image size in this case, value (5).
  6. Then use the value found in number 2, which is 3.
Use this value and multiply it by the diagonal image size, value (5). This equation is: 3 x (5) = ?

3x (5) = 15' this equals 15'. This is now the screen diagonal image size.

The screen image values found are: (3) = 9'

(4) = 12'

(5) = 15'



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